Image of a doctor holding up a mirror to the patient, the patient smiling and touching her nose

Start your journey to
body confidence with
The Harley Medical Group

Start your journey to
body confidence with
The Harley Medical Group

Image of a doctor holding up a mirror to the patient, the patient smiling and touching her nose

Start your journey to
body confidence with
The Harley Medical Group

• 0% Finance Available
• Available at our 10 Clinics Across the UK
• Care Quality Commission Regulated
• GMC Specialist Registered Surgeons

• 0% Finance Available
• Available at our 11 Clinics Across the UK
• Care Quality Commission Regulated
• GMC Specialist Registered Surgeons

Image of a doctor holding up a mirror to the patient, the patient smiling and touching her nose

Popular procedures

Image of someone drawing surgical lines on a woman’s eye, preparing for surgery

Breast Surgery

Breast Augmentation is a popular treatment that can increase breast size and shape, improve symmetry, and enhance self-confidence.
Image of woman before and after rhinoplasty surgery, smiling at the version of herself before surgery


Rhinoplasty surgery can be carried out for aesthetic reasons, as well as health concerns such as breathing difficulties and symptoms of snoring.
Image of a person drawing surgical lines on a patient indicating where incisions will be made during surgery


Liposuction, also known as fat removal surgery, is designed to help remove stubborn areas of fat and reshape particular areas of the body.
Image of patient holding up their shirt, revealing lines on the stomach indicating where the doctor will make incisions during surgery

Tummy Tuck

A Tummy Tuck, medically known as an Abdominoplasty, is a popular procedure for anyone carrying excess skin on their abdomen.
Image of someone drawing surgical lines on a woman’s eye, preparing for surgery


Blepharoplasty procedures help restore youthfulness to the face and improve the appearance of the overall eye area.
Image of a woman with her hands shaping around her breast

Breast Reduction

A Breast Reduction, Mammaplasty or Boob Reduction, reduces the size of your breasts to help alleviate discomfort or inconvenience.
Image of someone drawing surgical lines on a woman’s eye, preparing for surgery
Breast Augmentation is a solution that can increase breast size and shape, improve symmetry, and enhance self-confidence.
Image of woman before and after rhinoplasty surgery, smiling at the version of herself before surgery
Rhinoplasty surgery can be carried out for aesthetic reasons, as well as health concerns such as breathing difficulties and symptoms of snoring.
Image of a person drawing surgical lines on a patient indicating where incisions will be made during surgery
Liposuction, also known as fat removal surgery, is designed to help remove stubborn areas of fat and reshape particular areas of the body.
Image of patient holding up their shirt, revealing lines on the stomach indicating where the doctor will make incisions during surgery
A Tummy Tuck, medically known as an Abdominoplasty, is a popular procedure for anyone carrying excess skin on their abdomen.
Image of someone drawing surgical lines on a woman’s eye, preparing for surgery
Blepharoplasty procedures help restore youthfulness to the face and improve the appearance of the overall eye area.
Image of a woman with her hands shaping around her breast
Breast Reduction, also known as a mammaplasty or boob reduction, reduces the size of your breasts to help alleviate discomfort or inconvenience.

Why choose The Harley Medical Group for your cosmetic surgery?

Our commitment to client care is unparalleled, as we prioritise the safety and satisfaction of our patients above all else.

We provide industry-leading aftercare throughout your surgical journey, and we offer 0% financing options to make paying for treatments more manageable.

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