We’re a team of experts in culture, leadership, customer and people experience, engagement and communication.

At Culture Consultancy, we understand that your people are your culture. We use our expertise in culture change and organisational psychology to transform business performance.

Our clients come in all shapes, sizes and sectors and invite us to help them navigate a diverse spread of opportunities and challenges. These range from changes in leadership, productivity issues, a strategy refresh, mergers, acquisitions and IPOs, digital transformation, diversification of service lines, scaling / rapid growth, globalising and reorganising. The common denominator? The critical part that their people and culture play in effecting change, and making it stick.

Trusted by

Pepper Money - Culture Consultancy Client
Network Rail
Aspire - Culture Consultancy Client
Home Office Culture Consultancy Client
Brigade Culture Consultancy Client
Culture Consultancy Client Rothesay
Culture Consultancy Client Epta
One Saving Bank
Orchard Valley Culture Consultancy Client
Informa merging cultures
Nationwide Building Society
FGOL a UBISOFT company
AIG client of Culture Consultancy
Culture Consultancy work with Arriva
AXA PPP Healthcare - culture consultancy client
Barclays - Culture Consultancy Client
First - Culture Consultancy Client
Hudgell Solicitors Culture Consultancy Client
John Hogg - Culture Consultancy Client
Lloyds Banking Group - Culture Consultancy Client
NHS Culture Consultancy Client
Optivo culture consultancy client
Paywizard - culture consultancy client
Prudential - culture consultancy client
Zurich - Culture Consultancy Client
space 48
Shine X Culture Consultancy
Mortgage Advice Bureau work with Culture Consultancy
Culture Consultancy Client BIE
M&G - Culture consultancy client
Monterosa - Culture Consultancy Client
method analytics - culture consultancy client

We can help you

  • Assess your existing workplace culture

Identifying enablers & inhibitors to performance, and highlighting improvement opportunities.

  • Design & launch the culture your business needs

From purpose, vision & values to employee experience, behavioural frameworks, DE&I, comms and more

  • Embed your culture to maximise it’s impact

Top down comms will only get you so far. we use a unique, team-based approach to make your culture stick!

  • Develop your leadership team

We’ll equip your leaders and managers with the skills needed to champion your culture. From tailored training and immersive workshops to mentoring

Business culture

Why Culture Consultancy?

15+ years delivering worplace culture transformation

Team of highly experienced consultants – business leaders, organisational psychologists, HR professionals

Proven 3-stage methodology for culture transformation

Winners: Best International Business Culture Consultancy – Business Culture Awards 2023 & Winners: Best UK Business Culture Consultancy – Business Culture Awards 2022

Read more about our services

Culture Transformation

Our award winning 3- stage methodology of Insight, Design and Embed will help you transform your culture, business results and employee experience. Refined and finessed over the last 15 years our approach has improved productivity, performance, engagement, wellbeing, inclusion and much more.

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Culture Assessment

The Culture Consultancy Organisation Culture AssessmentTM is a fast and highly effective method of measuring your culture. Identifying positive enablers and inhibitors to performance, strategy or transformation our assessment provides practical actions to align your culture with future ambitions.

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Employee Experience

The experience your employees feel when they work for you directly influences their performance, productivity, wellbeing and commitment levels. How effective would you like your employees to be? We design employee experiences that fulfil the business’ and peoples’ needs.

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DEI Strategy

Do you enjoy a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace? If not, you’re missing out. We can help you unlock the business and people benefits with a DEI strategy fit for the future.

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Leadership Development

Strong, connected, forward thinking leaders who are purpose and values driven are pivotal to the future performance, innovation and growth of every organisation – even more so in the new working paradigm. We develop leaders to lead teams, departments and organisations in delivering performance results and employee experience.

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Culture Mentor

When you have a culture challenge and just need some expert advice, or an extra pair of hands. We offer flexible support as and when you need it.

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Culture Embedding

The most difficult yet most important part of any cultural shift or transformation project is getting the desired culture to stick. Creating a dream ‘tick list’ of an ideal culture is easy, but how do you make it a reality? We deliver flexible yet robust embedding programmes to ensure your desired culture sticks and delivers the required impact.

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Cultural Immersion Events

Cultural Immersion has been proven to accelerate mindset and behavioural shift in organisations, departmental and inter departmental teams. Taking people out of their comfort zones and placing them within a fun, interactive and challenging environment delivers rapid clarity and understanding in a positive, high-energy, and interactive way.

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Get in touch

If you have a culture challenge you’d like help with, let’s chat…

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Mortgage Advice Bureau case study

Mortgage Advice Bureau – to be MABnificent

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Is CSR Dead? How To Embed Social Value Through ESG

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constraints drive innovation

How do constraints drive innovation?

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Check out our book: Building A Culture Of Innovation

Building A Culture Of Innovation presents a practical framework that you can follow to design and embed a culture of innovation in your business.

Building a culture of innovation book

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