Fields in Trust

We help protect parks and green spaces

Fields in Trust champions and supports the UK’s parks and green spaces by protecting them for people to enjoy, forever.

What we do

How green is your neighbourhood

6.3 million people do not live within a ten-minute walk of a park or green space. Discover the parks and green spaces near you using our interactive tool.

Explore parks and green spaces near me

Green Space Index 2024

According to our latest Green Space Index research, a third of children in Britain under the age of nine (2.3 million) do not have access to any nearby playgrounds.

It's time now, more than ever, to take play seriously.

Find out more

Parks and green spaces are facing an emergency

They are underfunded, undervalued, and under threat. Learn more about why our work is crucial for people, places and nature.

Our cause

We are facing a parks emergency

Park budgets have been cut by £350m in real terms since 2010

6.3 million people do not live within a short walk of a green space – and that number is growing

Parks and green spaces save the NHS £111m every year

1 in 3 children aged under 9 (2.3 million) do not have access to any nearby playgrounds

We need to create 4000 new parks by 2033 to maintain current levels of provision

93% are at risk due to budget cuts, housing pressures, population growth

There is the equivalent of just 1/8 of a tennis court in parks and green spaces for every person in the UK

Parks and green spaces are twice as beneficial to people in lower socio-economic groups

Parks and green spaces deserve a better future

We are calling on all political parties to commit to three policy goals that will protect, expand, and improve the future of parks and green spaces, to benefit both societal and environmental health.

Whilst you're here…

Please help us to protect parks forever. 93% of British parks could be at risk. With your help we can ensure they will always be there for you and your loved ones to enjoy. Please consider making a donation towards our important work.