Private Detective London

London’s foremost

A private detective agency serving clients in London, throughout the UK and Internationally

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Mon-Friday 7am - 7pm
Out of hours services available

Our private investigation services

We provide bespoke, tailored investigative consulting services to both corporate clients and individuals throughout the UK and worldwide.

We deliver unrivalled surveillance services, helping our clients and their businesses achieve and maintain security, certainty, and success.

At Private Detective London we form teams based on your circumstances, to launch immediate counter surveillance activity to restore your security and peace of mind.

Change is key in business, but knowing which changes are threats and which are opportunities is vital to success. We help corporate clients recognise risk and protect themselves from it.

Whether you’re seeking to resolve family issues, or you’re working on behalf of a multinational corporation, we can assist with efficient, discreet international investigations.

Our robust GPS trackers, innovative software, and expert personnel mean we offer asset and vehicle tracking services of the highest quality, integrity and reliability.

We’re often depended upon to conduct matrimonial investigations as part of such issues as access arrangements, child custody, matrimonial due diligence, and pre-nuptial agreements.

We’re extremely proud to hold 100% success rate in tracing cases and we don’t intend to lose it! Our expert personnel and state-of-the-art technologies to provide the highest quality service.

Our accurate, detailed and fact-checked reports can be provided on a national and international basis. Our established background checking experts get you the facts, fast. 

Whether it’s service upon business or evasive service, we’re experienced process servers with the skill, dedication and diligence to get the job done.


Due diligence is a key to our clients’ planning for future success. We recognise that knowing the facts allows people to make better decisions and are here to help

Our dedicated team of criminal investigators are committed to finding the evidence that legal teams rely on, and working together on your defence

You’re here for a reason and we’re here to help.

Private Detective London is a team of leading private investigators who will assist you in solving your problems by finding solutions and moving on to success. Whether you’re a private client with a family dilemma or a corporate client facing a difficult business decision, Private Detective London is synonymous with first-class detective services and has the capabilities to help clients in London, across the UK and throughout the World.

How can our private investigators help you?

You may have found us because you need to trace a missing person. Perhaps you’ve lost touch with a friend or have a relative who’s disappeared. Or has a debtor vanished leaving you out of pocket?

It may be a question of due diligence. You want to understand the reality of a potential business transaction. Explore the facts surrounding a significant purchase, or putting your mind at rest about the credit status of a major new client. We are here to support the growth of healthy and prosperous businesses with our structured problem-solving approach. From our well-established private detective agency, we can provide the services of Vehicle Tracking, a covert surveillance team or the research skills of our core background check unit.

Are you facing a court case; civil, criminal or matrimonial, and need our expert services to help you to win? Whether you’re looking for our Criminal Defence team or the discreet and careful assistance of our Matrimonial investigation services, we’ve got the right blend of investigative skills to help you face your case with confidence.

Regardless of your reason for needing to contact us, we’re confident that we’re the right choice for you.

Wherever you are, we are there with you

Private Detective London is proud to have offices in Mayfair, London however, our scope is far greater than our location. Drawing on expert personnel and personal networks established over  25 years, our investigators can pull together specialist teams to work for you wherever you are in the world. No matter how far-flung the elements of the case may be or regardless of how long it’s been since events took place.

Whatever your need, from an immediate solution to a personal crisis, through to the unravelling of a decades-long fraud or scam, Private Detective London will select the right operatives to bring a quick and full resolution to your difficulties.


About Private Detective London

We’re the UK’s leading private detectives, with significant global links. Our expert personnel, diligence, discretion, and fixed legal/ethical code place us at the industry’s forefront.


Our approach is to find the most affordable way to offer the best possible service. Find out more.

Why Us

Our expert personnel, our success rate, our discretion and confidentiality, and our transparent, cost-effective fees are all reasons to choose PDL.

Our statement

Maintaining the highest standards within our personnel is crucial to our service. Read our statement of standards on our operatives for more information.

Private Detective London: Latest News

We start where others stop,
& we finish only when the job is done

We’re not here to provide off-the-shelf solutions. Unlike other agencies, Private Detective London don’t try and sell you anything you don’t need, nor do we hire personnel who lack experience, training, and substantial key skills. Theory alone doesn’t cut it for us, or our clients. We commit to swift, substantial investigations that find quick, unarguable results.

Private Detective London doesn’t fudge its hours. Our personnel doesn’t sit in the office doing ‘online research’. We know your problems are real, which is why we’re really out there: finding facts, establishing evidence and creating solutions that work for you. Each case is unique, and that’s why we believe we’re unique too, because we don’t stop until the job is done

head office

20 North Audley Street, London W1K 6LX