COVID-19 Swab Testing




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COVID PCR swab test for travel and work

In-clinic COVID-19 PCR swab testing for travel, work and to see elderly / vulnerable people for asymptomatic patients. If you are symptomatic, or have recently returned from travel, your test will be posted to you.
PCR swab testing for COVID-19 is the most accurate testing method available for an active infection, with close to 100% accuracy. A simple throat and nose swab can tell you if you are carrying an active infection.


autumn vaccinations
(aged 65+)
Coronavirus Cases
In The UK
COVID-19 cases
Possible reinfections
(up to 13/12/2023)

COVID PCR swab tests for travel purpose

This will help you decide on your medical management and after lockdown is the only sure way to exclude an active infection before visiting elderly relatives or a vulnerable person. You can also use this swab test result certificate if needed for travel and work purposes.

Multiple destinations now require COVID-19/coronavirus PCR swab tests for travel. Destinations include multiple countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

We have helped many people travel with reliable testing and efficient result processing. Most destinations require the test to be done 72 or 96 hours before departure so please check your requirements and book in accordingly. We do not take responsibility for the timing of your test so please do ensure you have spoken to your airline before booking.

Why use us for your PCR swab test?

  • We are on the government lists for testing
  • We process results 7 days a week
  • Our standard service results are available the next day by 8 pm
  • Our premium service results are available the next day by 8 am. (Please note you must have your test before 10 am).
  • We have helped many people travel successfully in the last few months

Destinations currently requiring a PCR swab test include Dubai (including for transit), Cyprus, Hungary, all Caribbean islands, Bermuda, most countries in Africa, most countries in the Middle East including Qatar and Kuwait and all of South-East Asia. Please check your destination’s specific requirements before booking.

Our fee includes any certificates you require.

How does this work?

PCR swab test for COVID at the Clinic

You are welcome to come to the clinic for testing if you are asymptomatic and need the test for travel purpose or to exclude an active infection while asymptomatic. Please do not attend the clinic for 14 days after being symptomatic. After self-isolating, it is unlikely at this stage that your result will be positive so you can opt for a laboratory or instant antibody test instead.

We have two testing options:

  • Next day by 8 pm result: £99
  • Same day by 10 pm result: £139 (please note you must test by 10 am)

Tell me more about the test

The test is done on a combined throat-nose swab which can tell you if you have an active COVID infection currently. It cannot tell you if you were previously infected. If you want to know if you were previously infected with COVID19, you can opt for an antibody test with us.

We are not currently seeing patients who have cold or flu symptoms or have had contact with anyone with confirmed coronavirus in person. We are also not seeing patients in person who have recently returned from travel within the last 14 days due to the higher risk of asymptomatic transmission. We are offering telephone and video consultations and testing for coronavirus / COVID-19 at home.

How To Book A Private Doctor Appointment?

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly doctors or trained clinicians.


  • Refrain from using nasal sprays or any solutions in the nose for at least 24 hours before the test.
  • Avoid consuming salty meals and refrain from drinking alcohol for a minimum of 2 hours before the test.
  • Drink water as usual unless otherwise specified by the testing facility.
During the test
  • A qualified healthcare professional, often a nurse or healthcare assistant, will guide you through the sample collection process.
  • The swab used for the PCR test is usually a throat and nose swab.
  • The same swab is used for both areas.
  • For the throat, the swab is gently rubbed against the back of your throat.
  • For the nose, the swab is inserted into the nostril to collect a sample from the nasal cavity.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic For
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not needed

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No hidden charges, phlebotomy fees or prescription charges.
Test prices do not include a consultation.

COVID-19 Swab Testing

Next day result available

Covid Antibody Test

Instant antibody test

COVID-19 T-spot test

Laboratory test for T-cells

see other Coronavirus services

Book Your GP Appointment Today

Fast, affordable, high-quality GP and medical testing services with same-day appointments.

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We work with experienced consultants & healthcare professionals who have received positive feedback from our patients, and with whom we have established long-term relationships.


How do I book a COVID test?
Feel free to call us to book in your initial consultation or book online by choosing either the “coronavirus PCR swab at home” or “coronavirus PCR swab at clinic” option.
Yes, you will receive an official result from the laboratory. You can receive this by email. If you need a hard copy, you can collect this from us or we can post it to you if you are not in a rush to receive it.
You will pay after your appointment.
If you have COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fever or sore throat If you have had contact with someone with coronavirus, whether or not you have symptoms.

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