Instrumental Lessons

I am a freelance musician living in West London specialising in playing and teaching recorder. On this site you will be able to access information on all my musical activities including details of my recordings "Fusion" and "Exposure" and future recital dates. As a performer I play solo recorder works and duet as "Duo Ricercare" and with "The Stanesby Players", performing with guitar,harpsichord,viola da gamba and triple harp, covering a wide range of music from Medieval to Jazz and Contemporary. My repertoire extends to performing with recorder consorts and chamber groups.

As well as giving individual lessons for recorder,piano,brass,theory,musicianship and G.C.S.E music, I coach recorder consorts,ensembles,lead workshops and take master classes throughout the U.K.and further afield. I teach on recorder courses and conduct the Exeter Recorder Orchestra.I adjudicate a wide range of instruments both here and worldwide and
 am a General/Diploma examiner for Trinity.I play Tenor Horn with Fulham Brass Band and accompany a viola player in a mixed repertoire.

" does he do it and how the heck does he make it look so deceptively simple!  I didn't even hear his heart beating in the J.van Eyck and I was sitting in the front row.  Did he steal the show?.."

Judith Sweeney 

"You looked so good today and played so beautifully,and you ooze confidence!"

Gill Dury  





Born in Birmingham in 1967 I studied recorder with Paul Clark before attending Trinity College of Music, London.  I undertook a four year performance course studying with Philip Thorby.  Further studies were with Eve O''Kelly in London and Marijolein van Roon in Amsterdam.  I have been a finalist in the Moeck Solo Recorder Prize on two occasions and perform in both Early and Modern ensembles  playing a wide range of music.  I have appeared on recordings as soloist and in consorts and performed with the harpsichordists Maria Boxall, Helena Brown and Akiko Imai.  My partner in the recorder/guitar duo is the versatile guitarist Graham Roberts. I perform with Yats Soon-Yeo and Ibi Aziz in a Baroque Ensemble "The Stanesby Players" and with Robin Ward on triple harp in a recorder/harp duo. My CD recordings include my feature debut album "Exposure"  and the follow up CD "Fusion" for recorder and guitar.I also appear on "Tell Tale Ducks" with Respectable Groove. 

" appealing,expressive and fine tone..can give shape and eloquence by sensitive phrasing.."   Paul Clark  Recorder Magazine



   Bretton Hall                    Cheltenham Town Hall   

   Royal College of Music               Lauderdale House     

   Warwick ArtsCentre            Burgh House

   RiverHouse Barn                 Prince Michael Hall    

   Midlands Arts Centre                 Tudeley Parish Church 

                 Government House  Canberra

                  St George's Chapel Bristol    St George's Hanover Square

Yellow Brick Road Cafe Kuala Lumper    Forty Hall


 Brighton Festival    

 Cheltenham International Music Festival



   The Stanesby Players           West London Bach Players  

    Collegium Musicum of London      Camerata da Chiesa           

    The Recorder Smiths      Tempo Primo                   

    Respectable Groove        Duo Ricercare               

                  Trio Ricercare    Wicked People Ensemble

   Linnet Baroque




2024: January saw a mix of rehearsing,conducting and coaching in various groups and ensembles.

February saw the start of a series of recordings/filming of Recorder & Piano repertoire with Andy Meyers. You can find more info on the "Recorder & Piano" Page. ERO did a lunctime concert at Exeter Cathedral including two new works by memebers of the orchestra. I did a U3A session in Liverpool to a large group of mixed ability players. Also an adjudication at the Watford Festival for their woodwind and brass sections. Linnet Baroque did a concert for Eastertide with dramatic music by various composers and a recorder duet by Telemann.

March saw the release of my video  "Spring Music" by Markus Zahnhausen.You can find out more on the "Sounds of the Seasons" page. Also a session with the North London SRP.

April a session with South London SRP and presentations to WI and U3A meetings in Hertfordshire.


2023: January started with my final Friars course after over 15 years of tuition! We played music by composers such as Bach, Maute, Leenhouts, Byrd and muli-choir muisc by Gabrieli.

I began a series of on-line workshops on the music of H.M.Linde: some of his Modern Exercises alongside Fantasien & Scherzi and Music for a Bird.

Our annual lunctime appearance with ERO at Exeter Cathedarl went well with a first performance of a new work written by one of the members. I helped out Regent Brass at a composer's workshop at Eton.

In February I did a presentataion for the U3A in St. Albans talking and performing a wide range of music and on various sizes of recorder. Also a Gabrieli workshop for Sheffield SRP.

The Areas in March saw Fulham Brass competing in the Champioship section performing Wilby's Red Priest. Not a great result for us but we stay in the same league for another year! More face-to-face examining this year too which is great to get back to.

A workshop with young students and performong in a Baroque Concerto concert was rewarding in West London. Performing in March and June with a newly formed group Linnet Baroque which includes soprano singer provided new and interesting new repertoire for me.

Another new veture in April and July playing in a recorder consort made up of other professional recorder players performing a wide-range of music. Adjudication for North London Music Festival.

Playing Day for Manchester SRP with music by Bach,Gershwin and Gabrieli. A Gabrilei workshop in July for Dunorlan Recorders and our ERO summer concert with guest spinet player Rosemary Robinson.

Recording and filming Spring & Summer by Zahnhausen provided another challenging but rewarding experience.  Brass band playing in August at The Great British Beer Festival and Westminster Gardens. Conducting and depping for other brass bands during September and October.

Playing Day for Oxford SRP and a Gabrieli workshop for Newcastle SRP. Successful audition to be on WI panel for giving talks and presentations about the recorder and it's music.

Examining for Trinity in Wimbledon.  Recital with Linnet Baroque at the start of December presenting an Advent programme featuring female composers in the repertoire. Joint concert with Wimbledon & Putney brass band with festive music. 



A good start to the year with The Friars recorder weekend. Music by Bach, Eton Choirbook, Linde, East, Zelinski and Tye. I performed an online recital to the Dunstable U3A. Rehearsals start in earnest with Fulham brass band ready for our concerts and contest in March. I give online workshops looking on the music of Matthias Maute.

A Playing Day for Birmingham SRP with music by Bach,Gershwin and Gabrieli. In March I gave a recital/presentataion for students at Liverpool Hope University playing a mix of music but mainly modern repertoire.

Fulham Band came 7th in the Area finals-a great result for our first time in the Championship section.A Baroque Concerto recital with the Stanseby Players in April playing great music with a talented bunch of musicians.The Spring Concert with Fulham Brass was with guest percussionist Simone Rebello who was outstanding.

The ERO Summer Concert was in Plymouth with guest soloist Alfie Pugh on percussion and piano.We played a great variety of music and the response  was enthusiastic. I played with Fulham Brass Band at the Regent Park bandstand and helped out other bands Staines and Enfield in their summer concerts.

Did some face to face examing for Trinity which was good to get back to after the digital online exams.A modern course at the Friars in September with music by Vaughan Williams,Staeps,Linde and Robinson.

Fulham Brass Band played at Regent Hall in October with a programme of mainly new and comissioned music.Recording and Filming in November of Autumn & Winter by Zanhausen was challenging but rewarding.

For previous years then see "Actvities Page 2014-2021".


"To me, the talented beauty of it was that The Stanesby Players looked and spoke and played as if they were friends, just enjoying a gig on a wet Saturday night in Camden Town".

Judith Sweeney 

"...I so enjoyed The Stanesby Players concert last night.  Thank you for a most enjoyable and horizon-stretching programme.... Judith Sweeney


Performances with Robin Ward on a variety of Recorders and Harps.Here are a two clips on YouTube.

C.P.E Bach:


Search for Robin Wardon You Tube to find more....


"LOVED the concert guys - innovative and fantastically diverse program. I particularly loved the C.P.E. Bach (that was me shouting brava by the way...)"

Jessica Templeton 





                                          "..your magnificent solos at the opened the eyes of so many to the quality and versatility of the recorder.." Len Grey



Zoom Recitals
 "...You played all pieces with real musical understanding and emotion. I especially enjoyed your explanation for each piece.
Your performance of the "Dancing Skunk" was brilliant, very rhythmic and dance like! 
 It was interesting to see how you relate to your students. What you are doing with Zoom looks good and is effective. That's encouraging to me...."
Walter Mays composer of "Song of the Dancing Skunk" 2020

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