Horse Stables and Kennel Design
Horse Stables and Kennel Designs
Horse Stables and Kennel Designer
Horse Stables and Kennel Designers
Horse Stables and Kennel Designers

London Pet houses; London Animal houses; London Pet Huts; London Pet Runs; London Pet Walkways; London Pet Ramps; London Pet Activities; London Animal Play Areas; London Pet Holiday Homes.

Dog Kennel Construction

It would appear from The Press, that for many human beings, their sole purpose in life is to be as obnoxious, as unpleasant, as hurtful and as positively evil as they are able to be to those around them.

Pets, on the other hand, spend their lives being as kind, as loving and as friendly as they possibly are able, to those around them.

It follows therefore that London Pet Owners seek to make the lives and surroundings of their pets, as pleasant as possible.

Belsize Landscapes has many years experience in London Pet House Design and London Pet House Construction as well as London Pet Walkways Design and London Pet Walkways Construction, London Pet Ramps Design, London Pet Ramps Construction and London Pet Play Areas Design and London Construction. All timber used by the Gold and Silver Award Winning Belsize Landscapes is from SUSTAINABLE TIMBER SOURCES.

Dog KennelsCat Pet HousesDog Kennel DEsign

To be more exact, the family and forbears of Robert Sergent-Fairley, the Chairman of Belsize Landscapes, have been involved with Pet House Design, Children's Pets, Animal House Construction and the Design of Pet Play Areas for almost 250 years.

In 1769, Richard Arkwright invented a water powered frame for spinning. This was undoubtedly an amazing invention which changed the world and altered the lives of countless people.

Pet and Animal Houses

In the same year of 1769, Robert’s great great Grandfather had moved his team upwards into Southern Bohemia to design and construct another of his amazing fortified mansions.

His client’s wife arrived to view her new residence, with her entire liveried entourage, as well as a horse drawn cage containing her two pet Cheetahs. His new project was to design and construct a Pet Cheetah Castle together with a Pet Cheetah Activity Play Area.

Local records of 1771 state that the finished Pet Cheetah Palace, together with the heavily planted Pet Cheetah Play Area was “A Compleat Wonder To Behold”.

This technique of Design and Construction of Pet Areas has passed down through the generations of Sergent-Fairleys, with many interesting and unusual Pet House Designs and Animal Play Areas en route.

The ability to Professional Design and Construct a private residence and playground for Cheetahs may seem rather distant or unnecessary in today’s world. However, Robert Sergent-Fairley’s clients are still as devoted to the requirements of their pets as were the clients of his ancestors.

Horse Stable Construction

In recent years he has designed and constructed a Fantasy Tree House with Wild Play Areas for 4 Pet Chimpanzees; a bespoke mini mansion with an Activity Play Area for a family of Ferrets; a Deluxe Rabbit Hutch with a large Play Area, a Rabbit Railway and a Rabbit Ballroom; a variety of amazing Pet Houses and a selection of most unusual Dog Kennels.

Pet HouseKennel DesignPet Houses

Many of Robert Sergent-Fairley’s London clients live in first floor or second floor apartments or maisonettes. He has therefore devised a superb series of London Pet Ramp Designs in order to enable Pets to travel with ease from upper floors down to London garden areas.

Robert Sergent-Fairley visits personally each prospective client and notes carefully their requirements with regards to their pet (pets). He views the area and space available, takes into consideration the surrounding area and then proceeds to add his own highly inventive ideas and supplies his client with a Totally Free Of Charge Design.

Stable ConstructionPet HousePet House London

The design and construction process of Robert Sergent-Fairley is very rapid. When his initial visits are completed, within 48 hours he supplies his clients with his stunning London Pet House or London Animal Play Area Designs immediately upon their acceptance, his highly gifted team of Master Craftsmen commence work on the project. He estimates that each project handled exclusively by his Professional Team takes a maximum of 3 weeks from the initial consultation to the final unveiling in situ of the beautiful Pet Structure.

It is sometimes the case that a Pet House or a London Pet Play Area can be designed and constructed to fit in amongst existing greenery. However, it often occurs that the area chosen for a Pet Hut or an Animal Play Area is totally devoid of plants.

Belsize Landscapes Award Winning Garden Design and Construction

The Song of the Dog Violet Fairy

The Wren and Robin hop around;
The Primrose-maids my neighbours be;
The sun has warmed the mossy ground;

Where spring has come I too am found:
The cuckoo's call has wakened me!

Belsize Landscapes Award Winning Garden Design and Construction

Robert Sergent-Fairley’s passion is for nature and plants and has obtained Gold Awards and Silver Awards for his Amazing Planting Designs;; his plant knowledge is Encyclopaedic. He is totally in his element when designing with plants an empty area surrounding a Pet House or a Pet Play Area. His plant designs are positively stunning and are predominantly of all year interest and minimum maintenance.

Robert Sergent-Fairley recently advised a group of students that “if all the people in England owned a pet, that England would be a happier place”.

Customer Quote - Mrs Jennifer Symonds – Hampstead Garden Suburb

I am amazed at the speed in which your team built this beautiful play area; Floppy and Twinkle spend all day chasing each other around and up and down the ramps; Mistletoes loves her new house – she is very house proud and hardly comes out at all. Thank you Robert for all you have done for us – we are all delighted.

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Stable Construction Horse Stables Kennel Design and Construction Bird Houses Rabbit Hutches Kennels Bird Houses Horse Stables Pet houses Animal houses Pet Huts Pet Runs Pet Walkways Pet Ramps Pet Activities Animal Play Areas Pet Holiday Homes Chertsey Garden Designers Chiswick Garden Suppliers Chorley Wood Garden Builder Clapham Garden Builders Cobham Garden Construction