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  • We are one of the largest law firms in Kent, in one office. We are committed to delivering expert legal advice and excellent client service. 

  • We are passionate about making a positive difference to our local community in which we live and work. We support a number of organisations and encourage everyone at CWJ to participate in community and charity projects.

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The final stage on the rules for tipping and gratuities

New rules to ensure fairness and transparency around handling tips and gratuities will soon go live for hospitality and other service sector businesses.   These are designed to ensure an even-handed approach in situations where the employer has...

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Shortlisted For Best Workplace Wellbeing

We're delighted to have been shortlisted for Best Workplace Wellbeing Award at The Modern Law Private Client Awards 2024 . What does this mean for us? We have demonstrated that we have a strong commitment to providing and promoting a positive...

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Sick Pay - is there a "sick note" culture in the UK?

It has recently been reported that Rishi Sunak is looking to end the “sick note culture” as it is his position that being in work can actually improve physical and mental health. Whilst there is certainly an argument to say that being at work...

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How to get a prenuptial agreement in the UK

Prenuptial agreements (also referred to as prenups) are legal contracts that provide a framework for how assets should be divided if a married couple decides to divorce later down the line. Whilst prenups were previously considered only for more wealthy...

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Promotions 2024

Clarkson Wright & Jakes is delighted to announce that it has promoted four of its staff members as of 1 May 2024.   Laura Thompson has been promoted to partner. Laura has played a key role in the success of the Commercial Property team since...

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Blended Families and the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975

A Perfect Storm? The traditional family structure is changing, with more second marriages leading to both spouses having children from previous relationships. This can provide fertile grounds for a dispute, particularly if there is a lack of family bonding...

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Pitfalls of the DIY divorce

With everyone feeling the pinch in the current economic climate, it is not surprising that more people are taking matters into their own hands when applying for divorce or separation. The introduction of no-fault divorce in 2022 has simplified the procedure...

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Fire and rehire - government response to consultation and updated code published

Dismissal and re-engagement, or “fire and rehire” as it is commonly referred to, is the practice of employers forcing contractual changes upon its employees by dismissing them and immediately offering new terms. Acas guidance states that...

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Menopause symptoms and reasonable adjustments in the workplace

The equalities watchdog, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (“EHRC”) have provided guidance to companies to clarify their legal obligations toward women experiencing the menopause. Under the Equality Act 2010 (“EqA”) a person...

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Update - Employment Tribunal Fees

Since July 2017, following a ruling by the Supreme Court, claimants wishing to bring a claim against their employer in the Employment Tribunal have not had to pay a fee. Prior to this, between 2013 - 2017, fees would range from £390 to £1,200,...

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Amendments to flexible working legislation

From 6 April 2024, amendments to the current flexible working legislation will come into force. From this date, employees will be able to make a flexible working request from day one of their employment, rather than having to wait for the current 26 weeks....

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First of Its Kind Air Pollution Personal Injury Claim Reaches High Court

The damaging impact of air pollution on public health has long been recognised, with poor air quality said to be the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK. Despite evidence of long-term exposure to air pollution causing a variety of chronic...

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The Importance Of A Financial Consent Order

Since the no-fault divorce laws were introduced in April 2022, more and more separating couples are opting to deal with divorce themselves via the online HMCTS divorce portal. However, there is often a misunderstanding that the divorce also deals with...

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New Companies House requirements

New accountability rules enacted to improve corporate transparency   Company directors, people with significant control of a company, or anyone who files information at Companies House on behalf of a company, must ensure they comply with new...

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New Year - 5 Things HR Should Do

What are some of the key issues that HR should be thinking about over the next 12 months? Are Staff Handbooks and Employment Contracts up to date? We have received a number of requests recently to review clients’ policies and contracts.The New Year...

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Employee Complaints

In a recent case we dealt with, our client had received a bullying complaint from an employee who didn’t want any formal investigation or action to be taken.  What are the risks here, and what should employers do in this situation? Much...

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Do You Need A Social Media Policy?

Social media websites or apps are programs that allow people to interact socially by sharing videos, text or images.  The use of social media is fast-expanding in the workplace, and it is a high risk area for defamation and discrimination claims...

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Divorce Day - Myth or Reality?

The first working day or the first Monday of the new year has long been known as Divorce Day, a term coined by the media to reflect the surge in enquiries divorce lawyers tend to see in January. It is true that new enquiries do increase in January. The...

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Christmas Contact Arrangements for Separated Families

Contact arrangements over the Christmas period can cause upset at a time that should be magical for children. Christmas arrangements need careful planning. There is no specific legal framework setting out the time a child should spend with each parent over...

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Child Travel Consent Forms

A Child Travel Consent Form can be an essential document when a minor is travelling abroad without one or both parents or their legal guardian. They help ensure the child's safety and provide assurance to authorities and organisations involved in the...

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