Optihealth UK -Food Sensitivity testing and Nutritional Advice

OptiHealth UK has been providing Food Sensitivity testing and Nutritional advice since 2008. With clinics located in Camberley, Alton, Theale, Hayes/Middlesex, and London, we use the latest digital technology to offer our services.

Our QEST 4 testing system is one of the most advanced bioresonance health screening systems in the world, thanks to decades of continuous improvements.

We can help you identify your Food Sensitivities which can lead to many health issues including:

First step towards reducing symptoms

Symptoms caused by food sensitivities are often ignored by many people as they do not manifest immediately. However, certain types of food can be challenging for the digestive system to process, leading to a gradual buildup of unpleasant symptoms.

To help alleviate these symptoms, the first step is to identify the specific food that your digestive system is struggling to process and eliminate or reduce it from your diet, often for a temporary period.

Qualified & Experienced

OptiHealth UK Practitioners have provided food sensitivity testing and nutritional advice since 2008 and are passionate about helping people improve their health and wellbeing through providing a personalised set of recommendations to follow.

Our experienced practitioners are registered with the Complementary Therapists Association (CThA) and the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) and hold Diplomas in Anatomy, Physiology and Nutritional Advice.

Optihealth UK clinics in Alton, Camberley and Theale also offer food intolerance testing via blood samples as part of our Nutritional therapy service, registered and regulated by the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

Client Testimonials

Having suffered many years of symptoms like bloating, constipation, nausea, acid reflux, tingling extremities, facial flushing, skin rashes and other allergies and generally feeling exhausted, my transformation after following Cathy's recommendations has been incredible.Several months in and I am feeling better than I have ever felt before. I am now out walking or jogging every day and feeling on top of the world! So a big "thank you" to Cathy for all your help!
Customer Review
Rosanna thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your care, wisdom and guidance. You have helped my mother in a way that I would never been able to without your knowledge.Thank you also as feel better already for cutting out the gluten...you have helped me to refine my diet with accuracy. I really hope that our paths cross again in the future.
Ms Toumazou
Customer Review
Would like to say a massive thank you to Cathy for combating my 15 yrs + stomach problems. After following the diet Cathy recommended for me and taking the prescribed vitamins and supplements I noticed an almost immediate improvement and this continued throughout the weeks.Not only have my symptoms disappeared , I have also lost weight and my skin and hair are noticeable healthier looking so 3 added/unexpected benefits to boot! Would highly recommend to anyone. Thanks very much Cathy.
Karla Beamish
Customer Review

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