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What's On

Fri 7 June, 8.15pm: Stephen

Fri 7 June, 8.15pm: Stephen

Visual artist Melanie Manchot works with a recovery group in Liverpool, who take up roles in a semi-fictional film-within-a-film that explores addiction and mental health from multiple perspectives. Visually striking, Stephen is a startling record of this form of treatment and a reminder of how dextrous the documentary form can be.
Sun 9 June, 5.45pm: Rome, Open City

Sun 9 June, 5.45pm: Rome, Open City

Rome, Open City is a shockingly authentic experience, conceived and directed amid the ruin of World War II, with immediacy in every frame. Marking a watershed moment in Italian cinema, this galvanic work garnered awards around the globe and left the beginnings of a new film movement in its wake.
Sun 9 June, 8pm: First Cow

Sun 9 June, 8pm: First Cow

A sumptuous tale of pilfered dairy, sweet cakes and old-fashioned camaraderie, First Cow is the celebrated magnum opus of one of cinema’s most vital independent filmmakers.


Sun 09 Jun 5:45pm
Rome, Open City
Sun 09 Jun 8:00pm
First Cow
Thu 13 Jun 8:15pm
Fri 14 Jun 8:15pm
The Spirit of the Beehive
Sat 15 Jun 5:00pm
Sat 15 Jun 8:00pm
Shoot the Pianist
Sun 16 Jun 4:45pm
The Leopard