Alexander Technique London

Alexander Technique instructors in London. Teachers and London studios providing lessons in the Alexander Technique helping alleviate back pain, RSI, tension, stress and postural problems.

    Alexander Technique London
    Offering private lessons, introductory courses, talks and workshops
    Central London
    W1W 8RL
    020 3178 4923

    Fool Sense
    Richard Dunkerley
    020 7221 1140

    Elizabeth Dodgson
    MSc MSTAT.
    020 8994 9527

    Bloomsbury Alexander Centre
    One to one lessons, evening classes and workshops.
    WC1 4BA
    020 740 45348

    The Perfect Line
    Alexander Technique lessons and therapy in North West London providing practical solutions for muscular and postural problems.
    Tufnell PArk
    NW5 2NS
    07813 298257

    Noel Kingsley
    Practical guidance on how to use the Technique to reduce stress and tension.
    W1G 0PL
    020 7491 3505

    Michelle Cole
    A series of Lessons in the Alexander technique can be of benefit to everybody, as well as help address fundamental causes of back pain, RSI, tension, stress related disorders...
    Bethnal Green - Docklands - Holborn
    020 8690 0801

    Hilary King, MSTAT
    Qualified teacher of the Alexander Technique
    N16 9NP
    020 7254 9206

    Alexander Studio
    Alexander Technique lessons, information and teachers in Central London. Training opportunities also available.
    Central London
    W1K 6TN
    020 7629 1808

    Alexia Brousse
    Alexander Technique teacher west London.
    W6 OAB
    020 8741 5766
